fair share

Running a quality band and guard program requires a sizeable budget. As an independent 501(c)3, we do not receive any funding from the school corporation for the programs and services we offer.  We try to keep expenses reasonable, but also want our students to be part of a competitive program. Each student’s Fair Share represents the amount that we need to receive from their family either by payment or through fundraising. We are very proud of our students, our school, and our community, and want to show our pride through quality concerts, marching band shows, winter guard shows, and jazz band performances.  Please see our Annual Budget on the Band Boosters page.


Fair Share payment schedule for 2023-2024 season:

June 1st – $150
July 1st – $100
August 1st – $100
September 1st – $100
October 1st – $100

Payments can be mailed to CEBB, PO Box 2563, Columbus, IN, 47202-2563, given to the East TA Shelley Walker in the East PA area, or dropped in the North Band Booster box just outside the North band room.    

Visit soundandspiritofcolumbus.band for more information.


Fair Share of $50 is due 2nd semester.  Only one fee will be charged so if you are in Symphonic/Concert and Jazz Band, you will still only have one $50 fee.